Electrolysis for PCOS

Eliminate Unwanted Hair Permanently

Electrolysis By Stacy Permanent Hair Removal for PCOS

When someone is overweight, has trouble losing weight, has irregular or no periods, and unusual amounts of hair on the face, breasts, and belly, they should be evaluated by a specialist. These are classic signs of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

PCOS affects 1 out of every 10 people with ovaries, many of whom go undiagnosed. They may be told to "just lose some weight" when the issue is actually a genetically-caused hormone imbalance that results in increased testosterone prodution. Elevated testosterone levels can then lead to increased hair growth. Typically, facial hair is thicker and darker. The growth also often covers the upper body, affecting one's appearance, comfort, and self-confidence.

For diagnosis and treatment of PCOS, you will need to see an endocrinologist (hormone specialist). For the unwanted hair, the solution is electrolysis.

At your consultation, your electrologist will take a thorough health history. While electrologists cannot diagnose, they do recognize what is not normal and can ask you questions that will help you have further discussions with your physician. Regardless of the cause, an electrologist can permanently remove your unwanted facial and body hair.

Electrolysis is safe and effective for all types and colors of skin and hair.

Common Questions Regarding PCOS

Every doctor I have seen tells me to "just lose some weight" and my periods will become normal. As hard as I try, I just can't seem to lose weight. Plus I have all this hair all over my face and breasts and belly, so I have trouble changing at the gym. What is wrong?

An endocrinologist (hormone specialist) may be the person to help you. When a person has ovaries, is overweight, has trouble losing weight, has irregular or no periods, and has hair in the androgenic pattern area (which you have described), they should be evaluated by a specialist. These are classic signs of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Again, electrologists cannot diagnose, but they do recognize what is not normal. If you have PCOS, your electrologist can permanently remove the unwanted facial and body hair.

What is the treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Treatment depends on the symptoms. Your primary physician or endocrinologist can determine the best course of action to alleviate specific symptoms you have. If weight is an issue, the most successful eating pattern is following a diabetic-healthy eating plan. When choosing carbs, make sure they are complex carbs that don't raise your blood sugar.

If you develop unwanted hair, electrolysis will get rid of the unwanted hair permanently. To address the medical issues, sometimes medications are prescribed by your physician.

I have both acne and chin hair. Will electrolysis help?

Chin hair is often exacerbated by tweezing and waxing. The repeated irritation from yanking hairs out can result in a larger diameter hair growing from the follicle or ingrown hairs from the breaking off of hairs in the follicle. When a person tweezes hairs from their chin and have acne on their chin, but not on the rest of their face, they should find relief from their acne with electrolysis treatments.

Once the person has stopped tweezing hairs from the chin and allows the electrologist to properly treat the hair, skin will clear. Hormonally caused facial hair usually grows in a pattern, starting with the chin and corners of the upper lip. Practitioners use the Ferriman-Gallwey scale to document the amount of hair that the client with excess hair presents.

What medications cause hair growth?

Many medications can cause hair growth or hair loss. Talk with your pharmacist about each medication you are on and also about how your medications interact.

Where can I get more information about electrolysis?

Answers to general questions about electrolysis are available on the FAQ page.


The information above is provided courtesy of American Electrology Association.

Ready to say goodbye to your unwanted hair?

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Top 10 Electrolysis Facts

1. Electrolysis is the ONLY METHOD of PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL APPROVED BY THE FDA. Some lasers, not all, are cleared to advertise permanent hair REDUCTION, but NEVER permanent hair removal. If they do so, they are fraudulent advertising.

2. Electrolysis is SAFE for ALL SKIN TYPES. Even if your skin is very light and sensitive or very dark and sensitive, electrolysis can be performed.

3. Electrolysis WORKS on ALL HAIR TYPES. No matter if you have light, grey, black, blond, red or dark hair. This treatment will effectively and permanently remove your unwanted hair.

4. Electrolysis can be performed in any area of the body, including the area surrounding the eye, like the cheekbone and eyebrow where treatments can be tailored to match the shape of the face.

5. Electrolysis can successfully treat distorted hair, which is usually a hair-trait predominant in African, and African-American ethnicity.

6. Electrolysis can be performed in any stage of hair, and have successful results. In laser, the only time you can get this treatment is when the hair is in a stage called anagen. It is highly unlikely that ALL of your hair will be in that stage at the same time.

7. With Laser Treatments you need to avoid the sunlight for almost the rest of your life, especially if you do laser on your face repeatedly (which is not recommended; laser was built to perform treatments on the body).

8. Electrolysis will NEVER damage your skin to a nerve level. If you have a laser treatment from a person that is not well trained, you can have nerve damage or up to third degree burns.

9. With electrolysis you are NOT RADIATING YOUR SKIN (BECAUSE LASER IS AN EMISSION OF RADIATION), which can cause nerve damage, burns or hypersensitivity right after the treatment, or worse, permanent skin damage that may appear 10, 15 or 20 YEARS AFTER your treatment.

10. Some Electrolysis machines have up to 550 programs for each body part. That means the machine power can be adjusted, and is customized to each body part.

Electrolysis By Stacy Location

Permanent Hair Removal Near:

Saratoga, CA*
Los Gatos, CA
Cupertino, CA
Campbell, CA
Santa Clara, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
San Jose, CA
Mountain View, CA
Los Altos, CA
Los Altos Hills, CA
Milpitas, CA
Stanford, CA
East Foothills, CA
Palo Alto, CA
Scotts Valley, CA
East Palo Alto, CA
and surrounding areas

* Indicates that an office is located at this location

The Proven Hair Removal Solution

Whatever your hair removal needs may be, electrolysis has a solution. Get answers about how electrolysis can address unwanted hair issues just like yours.

For curly, wavy or coarse hair
For dark skin
For hormone imbalance or PCOS
For men
For teenagers
For transgender

Electrolysis tips from hair removal professionals

Did you Know?

Electrology is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the FDA.